mardi 24 décembre 2013


Common noun suffixes: 

-er                         person who does an activity                    researcher
-or                                                                                         director         
-ist                                                                                         chemist
-er                         things which do a particular  job             stirrer
-or                                                                                          projector

-er                         person who does something                    employer
-ee                         person who recieves or experiences       employee
                              the action                                          
-ity                                                                                         purity, density
-ing                                                                                        testing
-ment                                                                                     measurement
-ance                                                                                      appearance
-ence                                                                                      difference
-ation                                                                                     distillation
-ion                                                                                        discussion
-age                                                                                        passage
-hood                                                                                     childhood
-ness                  abstract nouns derived from adjectives       bitterness


Common adjective suffixes
-al                                                                                            chemical, physical
-ous                                                                                          dangerous
-ic                                                                                             toxic, sulphuric
-ive                                                                                           relative
-y                                                                                              milky
-able,-ible      means  ´can be done´                                         washable, visible
-ful                 often means ˇfull ofˇ+the meaning                    careful, useful
                            of the adjective
-less               means ˇwithoutˇ+ the meaning of the                careless, hopeless

Common verb suffixes
-ify                                                                                             solidify, purify
-ize                                                                                             specialize
-ate                                                                                             separate, condensate

Common prefixes
   Giving the adjective/adverb or verb negative or opposite meaning:
 un-                                                                                             unusual
 im-                                                                                             impossible
 in-                                                                                              invisible
 il-                                                                                               illegal
 dis-                                                                                            disappear
 mis-                                                                                           misunderstand
 non-                                                                                           non-metal
 de-                                                                                             decompose

   Another frequent prefix used in technical language is
re-                    meaning again or back                                        redestill, recycle

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